Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Why I cook from scratch

I was cooking dinner yesterday which included the above (heirloom potatoes, a purple onion I got from the farmers market, zucchini in garlic olive oil and tarragon) and I realized that people often ask me why I cook with fresh veggies and meat.  To be honest, I really don't know how to cook anything else. I own a crockpot but, I have no idea how to use it.  I am lost in the frozen food aisle at the grocery store and really, to me it is easier to cook from scratch.  This is especially true with a crockpot.  Ok, so it is ready when you get home from work but, you still have to prepare the ingredients, right?  And something about a machine that slowly cooks raw stuff over the span of like 9 hours frankly scares me.  (Maybe it was all those classes I took to get my sanitation certification).

I think I also have to blame my upbringing.  I don't really remember any of the women in my family ever cooking any other way.  Definitely not my French grandmother and maybe my mom only on special occasions (we would ask for chicken nuggets or something for our birthdays).  But mostly I grew up eating meals made from fresh ingredients.  So, I guess I can't see it any other way.  I know people think this will change when Baby Owl is born but, I don't see how.  I just think it is easier to cook that way that I do!

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Last night was my 10 year high school reunion.  Wow.  10 years!  I feel bad because I didn't take a single picture nor was I in any pictures with anyone there but, I had a great time.  The great thing about it is was that it was my husband's reunion too.  We actually graduated together in the same year but, because our class was so large, we didn't know each other.  Yes, I knew of him but, we weren't friends or anything.  It was nice to go and see people we both knew in a time in our lives that was so distinctly different (he was in hockey and tech prep, I was in choir and honors....way different sides of world at our school).

So, I thought it would be sort of cool to share this dorky little questionnaire I found on a website about how you change (or not change) in 10 years!

Residence: HS? In Franfkort with parents.  Now? In Frankfort with husband (in my defense, we lived in Chicago for 4.5 years!)
Job: HS? Assistant Mgr at Marcus Theaters.  Now? Ecomm Marketing Associate
Pets: HS? Parents cat, Willlow.  Now? Our cat, Madeline
Love: HS? Boyfriend.  Now? Husband
Music Selection: HS? Ska, Punk and Rock.  Now? Anything by Rap but mostly Indie.
Activities: HS? Choir.  Now? Yoga and working out.
Biggest Fear: HS? Failing at becoming a doctor.  Now? Currently, birthing Baby Owl!
Biggest Accomplishment: HS? Being the Wench in Madrigals.  Now? Having a successful life and career.

Oh, and just to add on one little note....Yes, I wore heels to my reunion and they were these fabulous Calvin Klein numbers!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Latest Obsession

Because I can actually partake in fall fashion (I had to essentially ignore spring and summer), I have been extra excited about buying clothing.  Though most of my clothing comes from thrift stores and resale shops, I do buy some things new.  Especially when I feel that they are unique.

On my facebook, I follow Wanelo which likes to post pretty things to my wall everyday.  Normally, I try my best to ignore all the unique products that pop up but, this time, I just couldn't.  I just HAD to purchase a pair of tattoo socks from Post on Etsy.  I personally bought the first ones but, they are all so beautiful, I may have to go back and get some more!

Friday, August 12, 2011

9 Months

I can not believe that I am posting about being 36 weeks pregnant already.  It seems like this pregnancy has just flown by in retrospect.  I only have 4 weeks until my due date and I feel 50% completely prepared and 50% completely unprepared.  I have never really been good with the unknown so I think that is where the unpreparedness feelings come from.  This last month has been so hectic with the fire, attempting to train backups for my job at work and the reality of it all; having a baby, a son, someone who depends completely on me and my husband to raise him.  I know in the back of my mind I'll be a good mother but, I can't help feeling panicked about some things.  I suppose all moms go through that. 

The most exciting thing aside from knowing Little Owl will be here is the realization that I will be able to fit into normal, non-maternity clothing soon!  I am so obsessed with reading about the Fall's fashion because I had to essentially ignore Spring and Summer. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Unimaginable Week

It has to be one of the worst weeks I have ever dealt with in my life.  On Tuesday night, I got a call around midnight from our local fire department saying that my parents' house had been struck by lightening and was on fire.  My husband and I rushed to their house (which is across town) to find the entire second floor engulfed in flames.  It took 8 towns of fire trucks and 2 and half hours to put out the fire.  Luckily, they were out of town on vacation in Colorado and their 10 year old Persian cat, Willow, was saved by a neighbor.  However, they lost almost everything and because they had driven to CO, I was off two days from work to deal with the insurance companies, the media (whom I have learned can be completely rude), and getting a few salvageable items out of the house. 

It was so incredibly scary to see the fire and deal with the aftermath.  My parents have been doing well dealing with it but, I know we have lost so much including many family photos, our baby books and baptismal outfits and childhood toys.  Though my brother and I are both married and live in our own houses, knowing some of this is lost is heart ache.  Especially as I am about to have my son.  It really makes you think about what is important in life....